of the Month
Secret Quill is pround to present this months author:
Dorian Mayfair, author of "The Secret Mistress" and other
Victorian short stories.
Dorian Mayfair
I am Dorian Mayfair, author of a small,
but growing number of erotic short stories, ranging from a few thousand
words to just-past-the-threshold-of-novella-length.
I live and study in Oxford at an undisclosed college and hope to remain
here indefinitely: the ghosts of stories hide in every corner of this
decadent, gothic marvel of a city. Visit Radcliffe Square at a starlit
night and you will see what I mean.
I make my home together with my fiancée, writer, martial artist
and secret corset model; my cat, a feline equivalent of the Dog of
the Baskervilles; and a large dog who, for all I can tell, thinks
he is a squirrel.
1.) What do you like about writing Victorian erotica and romance?
My Victorian-era writing is based on my passion for the period’s
mystique and innate romantic glow; the atmosphere pervade its literature
from large themes – the balls, the rituals and the art –
to the language used by its contemporary authors. That said, I tend
to, because of who I am, choose intense and physical passion above
light romance. Not that there is anything wrong with more, shall
we say cautious narratives; my taste in subjects and plots are merely
matters of personal preference. To me, romance is inextricable from
unrestrained and passionate lovemaking, and that is what I wish
to portray.
2.) Are you left or right-handed?
Right. The prevalent ink spots are a dead giveaway.
3.) When is your favourite time to write?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, at night. I do, however, walk the streets
all hours of the day in search of inspiration, and those moments
are as crucial to writing as the act of putting the pen to the parchment.
4.) What is the first story you ever wrote?
It was in school when I was around fourteen. The story concerned
a man who pictures a discarded wine bottle as a metaphor for his
life while waiting for a coach at a station. It was, I wager, about
as dull as it seems, however my teacher loved it and suggested that
I should go on and write more. I have much to thank her for.

Which kind of background research do you do?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t do enough. I imagine a setting,
look up details with which I can frame it, and then quickly introduce
my characters. It is a character flaw of mine; I tend to be too
eager to let go of the reins to my characters when perhaps I should
dedicate more time to investigate historical facts more.
6.) Coffee or tea?
Given what one might glean from the above as to the nature of my
person, tea would seem the natural answer – but alas, I am
a coffee-addicted soul.
7.) What inspires you to write?
Oxford, as mentioned above, but perhaps more importantly –
people. We are such fickle beings, yet so helpless in the grip of
lust. To lose ourselves in passion is the ultimate Grail, a flash
in the twilight of our everyday, the sundrenched pinnacle of a mountainous
gray noon. So, people, and passion. And Oxford.
8.) What is your favourite music?
I currently listen to Johnny Hollow – again and again, over
and over. And also the official soundtrack to Downton Abbey by the
London Chamber Orchestra.
9.) What are you reading right now?
“Dracula” by Bram Stoker. It’s…oh, you have
heard of it? I am re-reading it because I recently bought a wonderful
annotated edition from Blackwell that now sits in the middle of
a strained bookshelf and makes adjacent books cower in fear.
10.) What are you writing about right now and when can we expect
the next book release?
I am currently writing “A Secret Lover” a Victorian
erotic short story. It features a maid who, during a grand autumn
ball and in the midst of a series of mysterious events, makes a
remarkable discovery in a courtyard barn – a discovery that
brings her to the very brink of lethal passion.

Don't miss "The Secret Mistress" by
Dorian Mayfair available on Amazon!
