Complicated Affairs

Sebastian Coxe, a young dashing man from London, arrives in the company of his shy twin sister Octavia to spend the season in Bath. There he meets Baron Carl Whitmore, a private gentleman who has withdrawn from society and with no intentions whatsoever of involving himself in a forbidden liaison, especially not with an infamous rake....
Format: ebook
Category: Gay Victorian Romance and Erotica
Written: 2012
Length: 35pages, ~19o00 words
File size: 300KB
Publisher: Independently published by
My Secret Quill

100 words:
“Sebastian Coxe looked around the elegant room with a casual glance.
So, he thought. This is the famous Pump Room in Bath where the cream of the aristocracy meet each day during the season to drink the invigorating water from the hot spring while they mingle, gossip, and discreetly flirt with each other.
He had to admit that the room was quite pleasing with its high, white, and arched ceiling and the heavy dark blue velvet curtains in front of the tall windows. In a corner, a string trio was playing “Minuetto” by Boccherini.
However, it was not the room that interested Sebastian. It was the people.”
Tags: Notorious reputation, romance, raining, misunderstandings, M/M erotica.

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this story
Earlier this year I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Bath during the Jane Austen festival (and although I did not enter my name in the arrival book I did in fact stayed at a Great Pulteney Street). Bath is such a beautiful and romantic town with its Gregorian buildings so it was almost impossible not to get inspired to write a story set there, and thus “Complicated Affairs” was born.
Several of the places in this story exists in the real world, including the Pump Room and the Upper Assembly Room (which was bombed during WWII, but has been beautifully rebuilt again), while the Baron estate Lansdowne Park is fictional.
I am forever indebted to The Jane Austen Centre and the sweet old gentleman who guided me and a group of ladies around Bath. This novella was also slightly inspired by “Northanger Abbey” by Jane Austen (which, just like “Persuasion” is set in Bath) and “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare.
Curious facts: the quote which Sebastian was trying to remember is from a dialog between Romeo and Mercutio (Act 1 Scene 4).
