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Stolen Letters
~ Book#2 in the Dangerous Letters Trilogy

gay victorian books


Tied by his promise, torn by his heart’s desire.

Mr Frederick Whyatt is returning to London to attend his sister, Emma’s wedding. However, before his family leave Devon, Frederick is forced to promise that he will behave like a proper gentleman–if he does not, his cold-hearted father threatens to cancel the wedding and disinherit Frederick.

But will Frederick be able to keep his promise?

Both Vincent D’amonte, a flamboyant young gentleman with whom Fredrick is in love, and Micah Grant, an exceedingly pretty prostitute, are determined to make him forget his decency and promise…

Product details:

Format: ebook
Category: Gay Victorian Romance and Erotica
Written: 2017
Length: 170 pages, 65,500 words
File size: 300KB
Publisher: Independently published by
My Secret Quill

About this story

‘Stolen Letters’ is my first Victorian novel that I have written (yey!) My characters have demanded a sequel for years because their story was not finished, and I have always wondered what would happen if Frederick returned to London…

This book was inspired by a several 19th century writers, e.g. Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and the Brontë sisters as well as various modern series and movies (Penny Dreadful and Sherlock Holmes, among others).

The initial idea behind ‘Blackmail’ came from a scene in the BBC production Downton Abbey between the footman Thomas and his lover.

I tend to do quite a bit of research for all of my stories, and for ‘Stolen Letters’ I read everything I could about Victorian clothes and fashion, illegal gambling, prison life in the Victorian era. I have also visited Dartmoor and London several times. (I tend to bring my old camera and take vintage photos that I use for references and inspiration).

‘Stolen Letters’ was written in longhand in three Paperblanks journals. Any French spelling mistakes are mine (and mine alone) and should not be on blamed Vincent, Micah, or any other of the characters in the book.

young dandy victorian era

First 100 words:

28th of October, 1860. Regent Street, London.

All is lost, forever. The worst thing possible has happened! My secret letters are gone! They have been stolen! I do not know where to begin describing what has happened or what I should do.

I do not know who took the letters, and I do not even dare think about what will happen if they fall into the wrong hands. I should have burned them!

Oh, why did I not burn the letters when I had the chance? Why do I never learn from my mistakes?

Tags: Gay romance, dangerous letters, love triangle drama, Victorian London, MMM

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~ Book#1 in the Dangerous Letters Trilogy

historical erotica and romance M/M
Surely young Mr Frederick Whyatt could never had imagined that he would manage to get himself all tangled up with a flamboyant rake and a pretty prostitute during his first trip to London?

Curious to read more?

The Secret Diary
~ Book#3 in the Dangerous Letters Trilogy

gay romance MMM Victorian novels
Young Mr Frederick Whyatt is joining his family to spend the Christmas season in London. However, Frederick sneaks out together one late night together with Vincent D’amonte, a flamboyant rake, to search for Micah who has disappeared. But Frederick gets caught–and one little, white lie swiftly leads to disastrous consequences.

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