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Photos from Haworth, Yorkshire

Bronte museum Haworth

The iron-wrought sign outside the Brontė Parsonages museum in Haworth..

Bronte sisters writiing

During the chilly evenings, the Brontė sisters, Anne, Emily, and Charlotte would walk around the dinner table in the sitting room, while discussing their writing and this is the room that Emily died in.

I think it is impossible for me to fully explain how moved (and humble) I felt by standing quietly and alone at the entrance to the sitting room at the Brontė house.

Bronte sisters cemetery graves

Haworth is all about the Brontės. This is a picture describing the graves at the cemetery next to the parsonage where the Brontė family lived.

Due to poor sanitation (and the fact that the overfull graveyards was built on top on a hill) child mortality in Haworth reached up to 40 percent and the average life expectancy was just above twenty years during the middle of the nineteens century.

haworth walking moor

If you walk from the Brontė house and follow the path towards the moor, you will walk past this old gate.

I cannot but wonder how many times Charlotte, Emily, and Anne have walked past this gate, just like me, but in a different age…

Jane Eyre bleak moor

The path that leads towards the bleak moor…

Bronte bridge Wuthering heights moor

The “Brontë bridge”, which the sisters and their brother often visited. Behind the hill is a abandoned manor, which is said to have been the inspiration to “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë.

Longlands Hall Victorian manor

Behind the scenes: This is Longlands Hall, a Victorian manor (which is the family estate where Alastair Norton is spending Christmas in my novelette “Gentlemen under the Mistletoe”…)

Industrial revolution northern England

Some of the factories along the river in Haworth (most of the factories and mills were destroyed in a large fire in 2010, but one of the large brick chimneys are still left.)

Haworth village Bronte sisters

Haworth is a lovely and quaint little village, filled with peculiar small shops, pubs, teashops and cobblestone streets.

Victorian pharmacy Haworth

The local apothecary is more or less unaltered since Brontė’s time.

Laudendum sign Branwell Bronte

…However nowadays you cannot purchase Laudanum over the counter…

Poor Branwell Brontė.
Rest in peace, together with your sisters...

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